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  1. Gemma

    [XB] Music Thread Starter [Paid]

    When adding an album manually, we are receiving this error when uploading an album cover "Provided file is not a valid image." Edit: If I disable "Optimize images", the image uploads.
  2. Gemma

    [XB] Lessons [Paid]

    Excellent work. Much appreciated. Thank you :)
  3. Gemma

    [XB] Lessons [Paid]

    Is there any way this can be used without requiring a YouTube video (or a video is general). I'd like to set it up using media from the media gallery but also have some lessons where videos/media is not required at all.
  4. Gemma

    [XB] Quizzes [Paid]

    When creating a quiz, uncheck "Quiz is active" until you have finished compiling the questions
  5. Gemma

    [XB] Frequently Asked Questions [Paid]

    I've maybe overlooked it on the overview page but does this have Usergroup Permissions? I'm looking for permission to view.
  6. Gemma

    [XB] Quizzes [Paid]

    Oh, yes. That would definitely work. So you would have a question like, "Order these Hollywood actors by year of birth. Starting with the earliest". You'd then have a list of answers to sort, for example 10 actors, and you'd get a score for each correct one (set when making the quiz).
  7. Gemma

    [XB] Quizzes [Paid]

    Enjoying this so far but seem to be having a small issue with the stats not automatically updating I have to manually run the Quiz rebuild caches to update the stats. Also, I wonder if it would be possible to add another quiz format where the answers are given in order (I'd pay for this, if...
  8. Gemma

    [XB] Quizzes [Paid]

    I'm not getting this error. All the viewing order options work for me. I agree with the others though.
  9. Gemma

    [XB] Quizzes [Paid]

    Probably being a little hopeful here but I don't suppose there is any way to post results in the discussion thread for quizzes taken before the latest update?
  10. Gemma

    [XB] Quizzes [Paid]

    Thanks, all working now :)
  11. Gemma

    [XB] Quizzes [Paid]

    Something isn't right. I've added a parent category and two quiz categories and created two quizzes. When I go to the Quiz index the navigation displays "N/A" but the quiz stats are available. I can navigate to the quiz pages by manually entering the url in my browser I can't move the...
  12. Gemma

    Subscription based downloads/purchase

    Personally, I don't agree with this. There is a clear difference between the functionality of the higher priced addons here and the addons Andy B offers. And in terms of coding quality, the difference is astronomical. I'd rather see the current price structure continue to ensure quality...
  13. Gemma

    [XB] XFMG: Attachment Mirroring Album [Paid]

    Just upgraded to the latest version after upgrading my site to XF2.3 but the carousel is broken No outdated templates or errors in AdminCPp. Any ideas?
  14. Gemma

    Not talking to you :ROFLMAO:

    Not talking to you :ROFLMAO: