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[XB] Thread Rating Posts

[XB] Thread Rating Posts [Paid] 2.0.0 Patch Level 1

No permission to buy ($25.00)


Active member
Painbaker submitted a new resource:

[XB] Thread Rating Posts - Encourage your community to express their opinions by allowing them to rate threads

View attachment 1046

Encourage your community to express their opinions by allowing them to rate threads simply by replying!

Commissioned by @PhineasD


  • ⭐ Rate threads by replying: allow members to express their thoughts without additional steps
  • 📊 Display total thread rating: users can quickly see how the community rates a particular thread
  • 📈 New thread ratings widget: show recently rated...

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Hello - big fan of this add-on. There was one similar post rating addon before this, but it was glitchy and not as polished as yours.

Would it be possible to add the star rating option for posts contributed by guests? In the forum I'm using the add-on, I'd like to allow guests to contribute reviews/ratings too, if at all possible.

Hello - big fan of this add-on. There was one similar post rating addon before this, but it was glitchy and not as polished as yours.

Would it be possible to add the star rating option for posts contributed by guests? In the forum I'm using the add-on, I'd like to allow guests to contribute reviews/ratings too, if at all possible.


Guest can rate with this version.