Painbaker submitted a new resource:
[XB] Xmas Garland - Xmas Garland
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[XB] Xmas Garland - Xmas Garland
Xmas Garland
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Xmas Garland
Are you using a custom style? XF version?No worky for me... @Painbaker
Option enabled (default theme) in style props, nothing shows. Can't see a permission for it, what am I missing?
EDIT: pb_xmasgarland_PAGE_CONTAINER_css template mod doesn't show that it's applying?!?
The one looking for <xf:include template="google_analytics" />.
Fix: the audio loading issue if the forum is not located in the root of the domain
Fix: change template modification hook to apply on custom styles and older XF versions
Try the new updateNot working on the default style.
View attachment 1256
template mods work for me....using ui.x2
just seems like an issue with the js/audio![]()
document.addEventListener('keydown', function (j)
let i =;
if (j.which in a)
let index = parseInt(a[j.which]);
balls = new Balls(context, buffer.getSound(index));;
let ball = document.querySelector('[data-note="' + index + '"]');
Are you using a custom style? XF version?