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[XB] Xmas Garland

[XB] Xmas Garland 1.0.0 Patch Level 1

No permission to download
No worky for me... @Painbaker
Option enabled (default theme) in style props, nothing shows. Can't see a permission for it, what am I missing?

EDIT: pb_xmasgarland_PAGE_CONTAINER_css template mod doesn't show that it's applying?!?

The one looking for <xf:include template="google_analytics" />.
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No worky for me... @Painbaker
Option enabled (default theme) in style props, nothing shows. Can't see a permission for it, what am I missing?

EDIT: pb_xmasgarland_PAGE_CONTAINER_css template mod doesn't show that it's applying?!?

The one looking for <xf:include template="google_analytics" />.
Are you using a custom style? XF version?
i noticed 404s on the audio?.....but as im typing this and realizing i dont like the editor making sounds, its more of an observation than a complaint.
If anyone's interested to keep all functionality except the typing sounds:
EDIT: /js/xmas-garland/script.js
        document.addEventListener('keydown', function (j)
            let i = j.target;
            if (j.which in a)
                let index = parseInt(a[j.which]);
                balls = new Balls(context, buffer.getSound(index));
                let ball = document.querySelector('[data-note="' + index + '"]');

Minify and copy minified version to script.min.js on same dir.
Clear any cache if you use Cloudflare of this url:
Are you using a custom style? XF version?

I figured it out. Your css hook/template mod was looking for google_analytics. Unfortunately this conflicts with Better analytics that renames the ga reference and precedes your template mod.

Also does not work with PixelExit styles where header is inside the navigation bar because there's nothing to hook into for your JS template mod.

It's cute but the sound is perpetually triggering which can/will irritate some members. Just a buyer beware note for this free addon :)

Thank you for this addon.
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