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[XB] Paid Registration

[XB] Paid Registration [Paid] 2.0.1

No permission to buy ($30.00)


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Painbaker submitted a new resource:

[XB] Paid Registration - Monetize your forum by offering paid user upgrades

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Maximize revenue and unlock your forum's full earning potential.

Supports length-specific, permanent, and recurring user upgrades.

Offer paid upgrades​

Monetize your forum by offering paid user upgrades during registration or to existing users. Present upgrade options elegantly, comparing benefits to enhance conversion rates. Users seamlessly proceed to the payment page and return to the registration form upon completion...

Read more about this resource...
this is the same as user upgrades right?

Is there any way to include VAT in the payments ?
I am using StripeTAX by modifying the stripe.php file in my forum but I think it is not the right solution.
this is the same as user upgrades right?

Is there any way to include VAT in the payments ?
I am using StripeTAX by modifying the stripe.php file in my forum but I think it is not the right solution.

This add-on only allows guests to buy upgrades before registering or force them to buy them and does not have any interference with the upgrade price
If you made the changes on the payment provider side, it should work here as well.
we did try to avoid problem but it seem i don't have other choice i did purchase this addon but it does't work error
  • Error: Call to undefined method XF\Entity\PaymentProvider::getCookieThirdParties()
  • src/addons/OzzModz/PaidRegistration/Pub/Controller/AccountType.php:112
we did try to avoid problem but it seem i don't have other choice i did purchase this addon but it does't work error
  • Error: Call to undefined method XF\Entity\PaymentProvider::getCookieThirdParties()
  • src/addons/OzzModz/PaidRegistration/Pub/Controller/AccountType.php:112
XF version?
That is a bug in the XenForo software, not this addon. To fix it upgrade your XenForo installation to 2.2.13 or later is the optimal solution.
It's a problem with your XF install, not the addon, if you do not upgrade your XF version, there is nothing we can do.