- Compatibile XF2 versions
- 2.2
- 2.3
Ensure users fully understand and agree to your forum’s terms and rules
Show your terms and privacy policy during registration, with Agree and Exit buttons.
Create additional tabs for presenting extra content alongside your terms.
Optional feature to track if users have scrolled through all tabs; the Agree button remains disabled until all content has been read.
Force users to re-read the rules as part of a warning system.
Forced Rules Display:
Show your terms and privacy policy during registration, with Agree and Exit buttons.
Custom Tabs:
Create additional tabs for presenting extra content alongside your terms.
Reading Timer:
- Add a timer on the rules form to prevent users from accepting too quickly.
- Pause the timer if users switch tabs or minimize their browser.
- Force users to confirm checkboxes in every tab before proceeding.
Scroll Tracking:
Optional feature to track if users have scrolled through all tabs; the Agree button remains disabled until all content has been read.
Warning-Based Rule Review:
Force users to re-read the rules as part of a warning system.
Advanced Options:
- Option to hide the “I agree with the terms and privacy policy” checkbox on the registration page.
- Option to mark it as checked by default for a smoother process.
- Supports external registration scripts, as long as they don’t use raw SQL queries.