- Xenforo.com resource URL
- https://xenforo.com/community/resources/xb-moderator-tools.8021/
- Compatibile XF2 versions
- 2.2
- 2.3
Give moderators the tools they need to manage content and users effectively!
Set optional requirements for providing reasons when banning users or threads from replying. Validations are handled both front-end and back-end for accuracy (disabled by default).
Send alerts and email notifications when threads or posts are approved or rejected. Includes reasons for approval/rejection if provided. Works via inline tools, the “approve in topic” button. No notifications sent if the user is the one approving/rejecting their own content.
Adds inline moderation tools in the report center for faster content handling.
Reaction Management
- Remove reactions from any content (single or bulk removal).
- Enhanced tools to remove reactions by date range or directly from the reaction list.
- All actions are logged in the Moderator Log for accountability.
User Management
- Mark users as discouraged from public interface.
- Edit user birthdays directly from the moderator panel.
- Remove user avatars and profile banners.
Content Vote Control
- Delete content votes manually from the vote list (requires [XB] Who Voted).
- Remove votes using advanced search criteria.