- Xenforo.com resource URL
- https://xenforo.com/community/resources/xb-simple-stats.8211/
- Compatibile XF2 versions
- 2.2
- 2.3
Simplify your forum management with an add-on designed to track and display essential statistics!

Any other statistics by your request. (if data is stored by XF or add-ons)

ACP Stats Page: View a detailed table of key statistics directly in the Admin Control Panel. (Requires "View statistic" ACP permission)
Flexible Date Filters: Focus on specific time periods for more relevant data.
Entry Limits: Set how many entries to display in your stats view.
Sorting Made Easy: Adjust the order and direction of your data for better clarity.
Advanced Filters: Filter stats by Node ID, Include specific Reaction IDs, by User State and lot more...
BB-Code Export: Share or archive your data with a simple BB-Code table export tool.
Supported statistics:
- Registered user count
- Active user count
- Thread count by users
- Post count by users
- Most reacted users
- User bookmark count
- User attachment size
- User report received count
- User report assigned count
- Thread count
- Thread reply count
- Thread view count
- Thread watch count
- Post count
- Post reaction count
- Attachment count and view statistics
- User resource count
- User rating count
- Resource view count
- Resource update count
- Resource reactions count
- Resource comment count
- User media count
- Media reaction count

Any other statistics by your request. (if data is stored by XF or add-ons)