- Xenforo.com resource URL
- https://xenforo.com/community/resources/xb-user-calendar-rewards.8954/
- Compatibile XF2 versions
- 2.3
Reward users for participating in calendar events!
Commissioned by @Forsaken
Commissioned by @Forsaken
Event-Based Rewards: Users earn rewards for attending events within a set date range.
Customizable Display: Upload event background images and personalize event appearance.
Multiple Rewards: Assign different rewards per event.
Import/Export: Easily manage events and rewards with export/import functionality.
Reward Log: Track rewarded users.
Today's Events Widget: Highlight current events for users.
New User Criteria: Set participation-based conditions for rewards.
Reward types:
- New thread in forum
- Post in existing thread
- Conversation
- User Upgrade
- DragonByte Credits
- DragonByte Shop items
- [OzzModz] Badges