- Xenforo.com resource URL
- https://xenforo.com/community/resources/xb-xfrm-purchasable-resources.8784
- Compatibile XF2 versions
- 2.2
- 2.3
Transform your resource manager into a fully monetized platform with paid resource uploads and license management tools.
Purchasing resources
Adds new resource types - paid file uploads and paid external download URL.Integrates with XenForo’s payment providers.
Multiple Purchases:
Let users buy the same resource multiple times if needed. Configurable per category.
Purchase Activation:
Adds option to require purchase activation by linking licenses to the buyer's website, configurable per category.
Temporary Licenses:
Offer time-limited licenses that require periodic renewal.
License Key Integration:
Link purchases to a buyer’s website by requiring activation, configurable on a per-category basis.
Tracking & Analytics
- Purchaser Insights: View a tab on the resource page with a list of users who purchased, complete with stats and filters.
- ACP Management Tools: Manage all purchases with advanced filtering, bulk license addition, batch updates, and detailed statistics.
Purchase Notifications:
Purchase alerts for resource author and team members Also adds admin option to receive email notifications about any resource purchases/renewals
User Group Promotion:
- Automatically promote users to specific groups after purchasing, with settings at the category and resource level.
- Optional automatic assigning user groups for refunds, ensuring controlled access to resources to avoid abuse.
Flexible Permissions
Provides flexible category-dependent permissions, and permission to allow bypassing purchase requirements for downloads, permissions to view purchase lists for any resource.Unlock the power of monetization for your resource manager with paid uploads!