- Xenforo.com resource URL
- https://xenforo.com/community/resources/xb-attachment-photo-metadata.9388/
- Compatibile XF2 versions
- 2.2
- 2.3
This add-on allows you to effortlessly access and analyze crucial information about attached images.
Uncover the magic behind the lens!
Uncover the magic behind the lens!
Key Features:
- Displaying information in the embedded attachments to posts and ACP attachment list
- Button to view more detailed information and raw values (can be disabled in options)
- Permissions to view general and complete image attachment information
- ️ EXIF and XMP metadata support including details like camera, lens, f-number, focal length, exposure time, ISO, location data and more
- Option to filter the displayed general information, and filter unnecessary words in displayed camera model/brand information
- Rebuild tool to collect metadata of existing attachments (only works if they have not been cleaned)