- Compatibile XF2 versions
- 2.2
- 2.3
Enhance your forum threads by linking them as chapters for seamless storytelling
Is your forum content structured as a narrative or a series of connected events? Or your threads interconnected as part of a larger discussion? This add-on can provide a seamless storytelling experience for your users!
Commissioned by @PrettyPixels
A sidebar widget with chapters list for user-friendly and visually appealing navigation experience.
A sidebar widget with parent thread information, providing users with essential context while exploring chapters
Easily navigate between chapters using simple forward and back buttons
A user-friendly management menu: add, delete, edit, and sort chapters
Define who can access and contribute to chapters, and set a limit on how many parts users can add to their thread
A special forum node that you can use to organize and presenting chapters without cluttering the main forum. Breadcrumbs of linked threads will appear as if the chapter thread is in the same forum as the main thread.
Is your forum content structured as a narrative or a series of connected events? Or your threads interconnected as part of a larger discussion? This add-on can provide a seamless storytelling experience for your users!
Commissioned by @PrettyPixels