- Xenforo.com resource URL
- https://xenforo.com/community/resources/xb-user-profile-music.9322/
- Compatibile XF2 versions
- 2.2
- 2.3
Allow users to personalize their profiles by uploading and showcasing their favorite tracks.
Custom Music Player
- Display a sleek music player on user profiles for visitors to enjoy.
Easy Uploads
- Quick upload process with a simple form for adding tracks.
Automatic Track Info
- Automatically extract details like title, artist, album, and duration from uploaded files.
File Size Limit
- Set a maximum file size for uploaded music tracks.
Upload Limits
- Permission-based controls to restrict the number of uploads per user.
Music Sorting
- Allow users to organize and reorder their uploaded tracks.
Admin Tools
- Manage user uploads easily through an admin interface.
Format Support
- Supports MP3 files for reliable playback.