- Xenforo.com resource URL
- https://xenforo.com/community/resources/xb-withdrawal-queue.8057/
- Compatibile XF2 versions
- 2.2
- 2.3
- Additional requirements
- [DBTech] DragonByte Credits or [BR] Credits add-ons
Manage manual withdrawals securely and efficiently with a dedicated queue system for currency add-ons!
Manage payout requests in a queue similar to XenForo's approval system. Send alerts to users upon payout completion or rejection.
Allow users to request withdrawals directly through their accounts.
Enable users to manage their wallets for smooth transaction handling.
Payout Queue Moderation
Manage payout requests in a queue similar to XenForo's approval system. Send alerts to users upon payout completion or rejection.
Payout Requesting
Allow users to request withdrawals directly through their accounts.
Wallet Management
Enable users to manage their wallets for smooth transaction handling.
Payment System Management
- Configure wallet input types: text, email, or phone number.
- Automatically calculate commissions (fixed or percentage-based).
- Set minimum withdrawal amounts for requests.
- Specify real payout currency codes for clarity.
- Sort and display payment systems in a custom order.
Forum Currency Integration
- Debit funds from a user’s forum wallet when a withdrawal request is created.
- Automatically refund funds to the wallet if the request is rejected.
- Compatible with [DBTech] DragonByte Credits and [BR] Credits add-ons.