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[XB] Quizzes

[XB] Quizzes [Paid] 2.0.4 Patch Level 1

No permission to buy ($75.00)
@Painbaker I have noticed that when importing questions in txt, the import is done in reverse order to the order of the questions in the document. The last question that appears in the txt is the first one that is imported and this order is followed. This means that if I import an exam and I want the number of questions in the quiz to be fixed and to be shown in order and not randomly, it is not respected because the import was done incorrectly.
How could this be corrected? I have 2 quizzes already created with this error.
I guess this is because you have the forced approval queue enabled for imported questions.
Questions in the approval queue get one display position number, then are set on approval according to the creation date. But the imported questions are all created in the same second.

Try running this rebuild tool and check if the order is now correct:

I guess this is because you have the forced approval queue enabled for imported questions.
Questions in the approval queue get one display position number, then are set on approval according to the creation date. But the imported questions are all created in the same second.

Try running this rebuild tool and check if the order is now correct:

View attachment 1248
Works, thx!
Is there a way to adjust the time for how long they have to answer a question? I know they’re going to be cheating with ai, google etc. Also can guests take the quiz and to view their results they have to register? Thanks
Is there a new update today?

I see a new release date (Today at 11:23 AM) for 2.0.1 Patch Level 1.
Just removed development env file from the archive

Is there a way to adjust the time for how long they have to answer a question? I know they’re going to be cheating with ai, google etc.
I can add this.
I'll take a deeper look and let you know.

Also can guests take the quiz and to view their results they have to register? Thanks
Yes, in recent updates has been added permission to view quiz results
@Painbaker I have a suggestion for the addon to be compatible with two other addons of yours::

Fake Activity:
It would be great if triggers could be created by configuring, for example:
  • Range of quizzes completed per day by the user (for example, so that users in the "Fake" group take 1 test per day)
  • Range of grades that completed tests should randomly have (for example, so that completed fake quizzes have a grade between 5 and 7 points out of 10).

Forum View Count:
The total number of visits could be shown in the quiz statistics to know which ones are the most visited by users.
Hey Painbaker how do I see the correct answers for the questions I got wrong? I fill out the info when I’m creating quizzes. Thanks
@Painbaker I have a suggestion for the addon to be compatible with two other addons of yours::

Fake Activity:
It would be great if triggers could be created by configuring, for example:
  • Range of quizzes completed per day by the user (for example, so that users in the "Fake" group take 1 test per day)
  • Range of grades that completed tests should randomly have (for example, so that completed fake quizzes have a grade between 5 and 7 points out of 10).

Forum View Count:
The total number of visits could be shown in the quiz statistics to know which ones are the most visited by users.

It will be difficult to simulate full activity including question answer logs
I'll PM you when I get a closer look at it.

Hey Painbaker how do I see the correct answers for the questions I got wrong? I fill out the info when I’m creating quizzes. Thanks

Here are many options as you can watch the correct answers to the questions.
As a quiz taker, see these permissions:


As a form author or admin, you can see the correct answers on the question page under the Questions tab

It will be difficult to simulate full activity including question answer logs
I'll PM you when I get a closer look at it.

Don't worry, it was just a suggestion that occurred to me in case it was easy to implement, but it's not a must-have for my website right now.
Is it possible to have multiple correct answers for a question yet?
For example, pick 2 correct answers out of a choice of 5?
My current quiz addon have this option and I want to see if it's possible before moving to this.
Enjoying this so far but seem to be having a small issue with the stats not automatically updating


I have to manually run the Quiz rebuild caches to update the stats.

Also, I wonder if it would be possible to add another quiz format where the answers are given in order (I'd pay for this, if it is possible)

For example:

Question: "All these news events happened in 2024, order them from the earliest occurrence to the last"
Answers: You would then have a number of snippets and the quiz taker would order them 1-10.

I wonder if it would be possible to include a trending quizzes widget that works in the same way as trending threads in XF2.3
The average score statistic is also calculated when only 1 user has taken the quiz?
Last night 1 guest took a quiz and being the only attempt completed, it does not show the average score, but it does show the average duration and the percentage of correct answers.

Would it be possible to include an option so that the user has to view all the questions (even if they don't answer them) in order to complete the quiz? The current option is to complete the quiz without answering all the questions, not to complete the quiz without viewing all the questions.
I want to avoid having guests answer only 10 questions and complete the test when they haven't even viewed the remaining 90 questions.

The {count} parameter in the following phrase does not work:
Are you sure you want to move {count} quiz(zes)?
Last edited:
Is it possible to have multiple correct answers for a question yet?
For example, pick 2 correct answers out of a choice of 5?
My current quiz addon have this option and I want to see if it's possible before moving to this.
Planned for the next update.

having a small issue with the stats not automatically updating


I have to manually run the Quiz rebuild caches to update the stats
The average score statistic is also calculated when only 1 user has taken the quiz?
Last night 1 guest took a quiz and being the only attempt completed, it does not show the average score, but it does show the average duration and the percentage of correct answers.
The {count} parameter in the following phrase does not work:
Are you sure you want to move {count} quiz(zes)?

Fixed in upcoming update.

Also, I wonder if it would be possible to add another quiz format where the answers are given in order (I'd pay for this, if it is possible)

For example:

Question: "All these news events happened in 2024, order them from the earliest occurrence to the last"
Answers: You would then have a number of snippets and the quiz taker would order them 1-10.
Do you mean draggable items as in XF sorting?


Would it be possible to include an option so that the user has to view all the questions (even if they don't answer them) in order to complete the quiz? The current option is to complete the quiz without answering all the questions, not to complete the quiz without viewing all the questions.
I want to avoid having guests answer only 10 questions and complete the test when they haven't even viewed the remaining 90 questions.

Yeah, that shouldn't be a problem. I'll contact you via PM.
Do you mean draggable items as in XF sorting?
Oh, yes. That would definitely work.

So you would have a question like, "Order these Hollywood actors by year of birth. Starting with the earliest". You'd then have a list of answers to sort, for example 10 actors, and you'd get a score for each correct one (set when making the quiz).
In case I want to remove the addon from an XF installation and move it to another one, how can I import the quizzes and questions? With the XF importer?
I'm having fun with this so far; nice job.
I am unsure if you have anything planned for this; I used a Quizzes app on IPS a few years back. When a user started a quiz and tried to click out of the screen to cheat and use Google, it came up with a message [ you can't do that ] or whatever message the admin put in there
@Painbaker, when we are building a quiz, is there a way for it not to show up in the forum until the quiz is completed? I had a user trying to play the quiz as I was building it; maybe you have something in there that I missed,
@Painbaker, when we are building a quiz, is there a way for it not to show up in the forum until the quiz is completed? I had a user trying to play the quiz as I was building it; maybe you have something in there that I missed,
When creating a quiz, uncheck "Quiz is active" until you have finished compiling the questions
